ごそう鉄太郎 作家/イラストレータ
Gosou Tetsutaro Writer/illustrator
Born in Tokyo in 1959. Works on book creation with the theme of "walk, feel, think, walk". Involved in everything from writing to illustration and book design. Works at a publishing company. Authored books include "Bandō Junrei" and "Saigoku Junrei," which explain Japanese pilgrimages with illustrations. In June 2023, he will walk 800 km from the south of France to Santiago in Spain, and is currently working on a walking project in Japan.
Member of the NPO Japan Giclee Association

絵画・イラスト: 1979年油彩画で朔日会入選以降、1982年に個展開催(東京銀座)、グループ展では「Horizon」(1981年)、「C9C」(2017年)などに参加。作品提供として、月刊誌表紙(2002年以降)、東京電力ポスター、関西ペイント商品画像、JTB主催イベント(計33点)、京都国立博物館開催イベント(計33点)などがある。
Picture collection: Published the book "Bandō Junrei" in 2014 and "Saigoku Junrei" in 2017.
Paintings and illustrations: After being selected for the Sakujitsukai oil painting in 1979, he held a solo exhibition (Tokyo Ginza) in 1982 and participated in group exhibitions such as "Horizon" (1981) and "C9C" (2017). Works provided include monthly magazine covers (since 2002), TEPCO posters, Kansai Paint product images, events sponsored by JTB (33 works in total), and events held at the Kyoto National Museum (33 works in total).
Social work, etc.: Participated in the establishment of the NPO Japan Giclee Association.
Other: Lecturer on "Pilgrimage Lectures" at Yomiuri Culture School.

サンティアゴ巡礼 約800キロを歩きました